Nail Surgery

  Including initial assessment, four complimentary redressing sessions & dressing packages From £365

General Foot Care

Including Nail Cutting along with removal of hard skin and corns                                                                         £50

Initial Assessments & treatment

  •   Including  review of your medical and          £ 65    history current medications
  • Neurovascular assessment
  • Treatment

   Verruca and Warts                  

Topical  Acids                                                       £50   per session

Verrutop                                                                £60  per session

Verruca Needling                                        From     £ 200 



Orthothic and Wide Foot wear

An orthotic is a medical device designed to support, align, or improve the function of the foot, ankle, or lower limbs. Orthotics can be custom-made or pre-fabricated and are commonly used to treat conditions such as flat feet, plantar fasciitis, or gait abnormalities. They are often prescribed by podiatrists or physiotherapists and can be inserted into shoes to provide extra support and comfort.  


Biomechanical Assessment     

Review of your current medical history, medications or any history of previous injury  Biomechanical assessment and Gait analysis                                                          £75